The Kevin Walker Family Blog

The Crazy, Wonderful, Fun Walker Family Blog
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daddy and Alexander (Like father Like son)

This was such a sweet Picture Kevin had been Holding Alex and trying to calm him down and he fell asleep on his daddy. Alex loves to fall asleep on people Like this it calms him down.

This is a cute picture we had been watching T.V. and Kevin had been holding Alexander and fell asleep with thim. Look at how alike they are when they are sleeping and how cute. You know what they say "Like Father Like Son". It's a good thing in this case since he has a wonderful role model to take after

Alex is helping daddy with his homework:) Alex fell asleep when daddy was holding him, that happens a lot, as you can see Kevin study's a lot what a smart guy:) Hopefully Alex will be smart like both his parent's and study hard like daddy :)

Like father Like son. This will be a good thing since Alexander could not ask for a more loving, fun, good father like kevin is. Alexander is going to be a total daddy's boy. I wanted him to be a momma's boy but look like Kevin will win out in the end awwh well. I love both of you guy's very much :)

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